2) 在全家便利商店後右轉
3) 穿過紅綠燈後繼續直走4) 右手邊會看到一個公園,但請繼續往前走
5) 在皮革店和咖啡館後左轉,目的地就在這裡!
in Japan and Europe, a total of more than 15 reservation staff are available to help you with your reservations.
Facebook MessengerThe Fastest & Best way to chat Staff & Chatbot will help you.
LINE MessengerThe Faster way to chat Staff & Chatbot will help you.
WhatsApp MessengerOnly inquiries and questions are handled; reservations are not possible.
Contact FormYou can contact us through the form
E-Mail : [email protected]
Telephone CallEnglish/Japanese/etc
LINE Free CallFree Call via Line